Our approach
We want to use the internet for what it does best: publishing and distributing content with no limits in time and space, creating a Community of digital authors and readers.
www.UPblisher.com offers solutions in line with new consumer habits.
Authors! you can now
- publish as you wish - digitally
- find readers in all sorts of places - and in no time
- make sure your work is available long-term (and never out of stock!)
- protect your intellectual property rights
- get your royalties faster
- make direct contact with your readers
- update your text to its latest version much more quickly
- benefit from direct access to traffic statistics and marks awarded by your readers
Readers can now
- have access to both English and international catalogues, whenever they wish and wherever they are
- read original works
- choose their favourite reading language(s)
- organise their digital library
- comment on texts and award marks
- make contact directly with their favourite authors
- download one work or subscribe to have access to a set number of works
Authors! With www.UPblisher.com, you can publish and distribute your original works as you wish. Make them available to the best-qualified panel: your readers!
Together, let´s bring literary creativity into the twenty-first century!