This essay is about my personal training in multilingual acquisition and learning.
My own experience with “The way I have learned six languages” (French, Arabic, English, German, Italian and Spanish) in various ways and at different epochs in my life, shows that we, multilinguals, already possess a linguistic capital which helps us learning a new language especially when it belongs to the same language family as the one or those we already know.
English and French versions in the same ebook!
Ebook available in pdf, epub and Kindle formats on demand.Nadia Konstantini has been teaching ESP and Translation at the High Institute of Applied Languages and computer sciences in Nabeul (Tunisia) for four years. Her knowledge of six languages (French, Arabic, Italian, English, German and Spanish) led her to undertake a research on "Multilingualism, Language Learning and Motivation". She wrote an article entitled "Psychic Transmutation in Katherine Mansfield's "The Daughters of the Late Colonel" and she translated into French Kate Chopin's short Story "The Story of an Hour". She is now preparing a PH.D. in English Literature.
Ebook title: The way I have learned six languages
Author name: Nadia Konstantini
Published by: UPblisher
Publication date: Mar 10, 2011
Language: Multilingue
Form: Essay
Categories: Knowledge
Number of pages: 19 (Page count based on pdf format)
File type: PDF
ISBN: 978-2-7599-0030-5
File size: 0.33 Mo
File type: ePub
ISBN: 978-2-7599-0031-2
File size: 0.08 Mo