Reasons for choosing us

We give you the freedom to be creative and express yourself

  • our editorial committee is... your readers!
  • is there to serve you, not the other way around
  • our commitments: neutrality and goodwill

We publish and distribute your texts quickly and simply

  • it takes just a few clicks to register - and it's free!
  • introduce yourself online, and you've become a digital author!
  • choose our publication/distribution offer (charges apply), and we'll guide you through the process
  • we can help you format your text 
  • our commitment: your text will be published on within a maximum of two months of being uploaded

We promote your texts to a targeted readership

  • readers from all over the world can discover your talent and read your works
  • makes your work accessible 24/7!
  • e-publishing and e-distribution means your work will never be out of stock and your readers can find it.
  • if you want to engage in discussion with your readers and other authors, jump right in!

We protect your rights

  • sign a three-year renewable master agreement with
  • your intellectual property rights are properly recognised
  • we leave you completely free: after one year, you're free to continue publishing or back out for each of your ebooks
  • you receive royalties of 25% on e-book sales
  • royalties are calculated from the first book sold

With, you're in control. gives every work a chance to find a readership.
All the freedom of a 3-year agreement.
Your work online in just two months!
You need to sell less than 190 copies of an 81-150-page novel to cover your annual fee!